

Siit Internazionalizzazione PMI


Through the analysis of the scenarios and the organization of missions and meetings with European and non-European district systems, we promote international exchanges of the industries of the Technological District, with special regard to SMEs sector
We facilitate and accelerate the process of commercial penetration abroad, especially towards emerging territories and markets.

Research Infrastructures

We manage 3 Research Infrastructures, respectively focused on three specific domains:
I.R. ITS, which addresses the issues of sustainable mobility, port and logistics, transport safety;
I.R. 4.0, which addresses the issues of automation and Industry 4.0;
I.R. ICT, which addresses the issues of environmental safety, critical infrastructures and public areas

SIIT National Technology Clusters

National Technology Clusters

We are present on behalf of and representing Liguria Region in four National Clusters: Smart Communities Tech, Intelligent Factory, Transport Italy 2020 and the National Aerospace Technology Cluster

SIIT-SCPA_Polo_Sosia Logo

Research and Innovation Poles

We are managing the two Regional Innovation Poles SOSIA and TRANSIT, benefiting from the contributions provided by P.O.R. Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 Objective “Investments in favor of growth and employment” Co-financed by the F.E.S.R. – European Regional Development Fund – Action 1.2.4 “Support for the activities of animation, tutoring and accompaniment of companies belonging to the Innovation Poles”.